What is making it difficult to sell the new offerings?

Click yes on the challenges you face to sell your company’s new offerings. 

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Not Talking to the Right People.



When you are trying to engage with new people do you feel they would be likely more receptive to you if they felt you genuinely were listening to them for their benefit?

No, I would continue to have loyalty to my existing supplier.



When you are engaging with a new person would they keep engaging if they found the conversation useful and constructive for their success?

No, I would not share with a sales person, particularly if I thought they would use it against me.



When customers are explaining their situation would they be more positive to you if you valued and learning from what they were explaining?

No, I would judge everything on its merits and try to have a standard set of specifications.

Customers don't understand what we do.



When you are trying to explain what it is you do would it be more effective if you were able to apply it to situations tailored to your customer?

No, I prefer sales people give me the full list of features.



When you know it takes time to understand does it help if the customer is motivated to understand because you have demonstrated how it may help what really matters to them?

No, I will listen to them on their merits regardless of how I feel about the person.



When you are trying to explain would it help the customer understand if it was something that applicable and tangible to their situation?

No, I would prefer they didn’t try to understand what success looks like for me.

Customers can't see the value.



When you know the customer has two options would they buy the option that they decide will deliver the best value?

No, I will develop the list of requirements and actions and then go out to market.



When you are trying to help a customer would it be more effective if you could understand and demonstrate how your offering will deliver the best outcome they want?

No, I appreciate sales people trying to push a sale on to me, even if I will never buy.

Business Case

Business Case

When your customer is considering buying from you would it help them if they could articulate the return on the purchasing decision?

No, I expect sales people to only work with me when I have a budget approved and know what the solution is.

Not willing to try something new.



When your customer knows what they want do you think they will trust and listen to you more if you have taken the time to understand what they want and you are genuinely interested in helping them achieve what they want?

No, I expect sales people to have the expertise and convince me of the value of their product.



When you are engaging customers would it make it more likely for them to listen to you if they feel comfortable and confident talking with you?

No, I appreciate when sales people tell me features of their product and I make up my own mind.



When you are asking your customers to consider something new would they be more likely to consider it if you could demonstrate trust?

No, I expect sales people to only work with me when I have a budget approved and know what the solution is.

Customers have other priorities.



When you a customer has explained they have other priorities would they be more willing to stay engaged if you can genuinely support them in those priorities?

No, it is not the responsibility of a sales person to understand that.



When you are engaging a customer who has an urgent priority would they be more willing to engage you in the future if you gave them the space to focus on that priority?

No, I don’t think it impacts.



When a customer has explained their main priority would they be open to  considering options that could help them more effectively deliver on that priority?

No, I don’t like feeling pressured even when i know I should make the decision.

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Unlikely Customer Intimacy will help your business?

If you clicked no on the capabilities, unfortunately focusing on customer intimacy may not help sell new offerings.

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