What is impacting the customer experience?
Click yes on what is impacting your customer experience where customer intimacy may help.
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When your customer’s reputation is on the line would they prefer you were willing to walk away from an opportunity knowing you would not deliver rather than take the opportunity and deal with their frustration?
No, I would judge everything on its merits and try to have a standard set of specifications.
When your customer has decided to proceed does it help to ensure success if you are able to articulate and agree with the customer what a successful end result looks like?
No, I expect sales people to have the expertise and convince me of the value of their product.
When your customer has decided to proceed does it help to ensure success if you have ensured the end result is tangible that makes it clear whether it has been delivered or not?
No, I appreciate when sales people tell me features of their product and I make up my own mind.
When your customer has bought something relying on people does it improve the experience if it was a core capability of yours? Would it be important during the sales process you prioritised the your company had the capability?
No, it is not the responsibility of a sales person to understand that.
When your customer has bought something is it important to them that their expectations were clearly understood before and that those expectations could be clearly demonstrated to be met?
No, I don’t like feeling pressured even when i know I should make the decision.
Unlikely Customer Intimacy will help your Customer Experience?
If you clicked no on the capabilities, it just means customer intimacy may not help with customer experience.
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