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Meaningful Impact



When you are determining whether you have a meaningful impact does it help confirm it if the customer has truly valued how you helped them?

No, I would continue to have loyalty to my existing supplier.

Greater Good


When you have helped a customer does it demonstrate a meaningful impact if the customer can articulate the impact it has had on others?

No, I would not share with a sales person, particularly if I thought they would use it against me.



When you have sold an offering does it make it meaningful if it has made the situation better for the customer?

No, I would judge everything on its merits and try to have a standard set of specifications.

Lack of Acknowledgement of Customer Success



When you have sold an offering does it demonstrate you have helped make a difference if the customer and yourself can articulate clearly what you have achieved?

No, I prefer sales people give me the full list of features.



When you are looking for confirmation of success from the customer does it make it easier if that success is something tangible identified prior to the sale?

No, I will listen to them on their merits regardless of how I feel about the person.



When you are wanting to know if it was success does it make it more real if you can clearly demonstrate measurable results?

No, I would prefer they didn’t try to understand what success looks like for me.

Influencing Change



When you are trying to influence change is it more effective if what you are offering is recognised by the customer as something that will help them be successful?

No, I will develop the list of requirements and actions and then go out to market.



When you are asking the customer to try something new, are they more likely if you have been able to demonstrate trust throughout the process?

No, I appreciate sales people trying to push a sale on to me, even if I will never buy.



When a customer is engaging you do you think they are more likely to if they believe your intention is genuine?

No, I expect sales people to only work with me when I have a budget approved and know what the solution is.

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